Our Mission
Project Loreal started in 2014 after i learned that Loreal’s heart stopped beating during my thirty four week healthy pregnancy. When Loreal was born she was born purple and blue and the umbilical cord was wrapped around her neck. She was perfect and no other medical reason was given. My world completely stopped. I now had to learn my own healing process. I learned this process by sharing my story and supporting other families with the same loss. After learning this Project Loreal was born.
Project Loreal is here to inspire, give comfort, hope and healing. We share compassion and understanding to families devastated by the loss of a baby. We advocate awareness for (PAIL) Pregnancy and Infant Loss, how to cope with grief and educating and informing the public of the Pregnancy and Infant Loss Remembrance Day which is October 15th of every year. You are not alone in this journey. We will continue to honor, celebrate and keep Loreal’s memory alive thru our custom made memory boxes and the struggles of this journey called grief.
Forever LOVED – Forever MISSED – Forever CONNECTED
‘Caring cradle’ donated to Reedley Birth Center
Project Loreal and its partners donated a “caring cradle” to the Reedley Birth Center. The device gives families more time with a baby who has died